The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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(C) 1991 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari RoundTables. May be
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The Atari ST RTC
Version 3.08
Double Click Formal Conference - October 20, 1991
Room 1, the Double Click Formal RTC room.
Job City Room Sta Mail-Address
1 Huntsville,AL 1 N [John Cole] J.COLE18
2 Big swamp,FL 1 N [Swampy] D.D.MARTIN
3 Tokyo,CA 1 N [Jimbo] JTITTSLER
4 Wiesbaden,NJ 1 N MIKE.SCHUETZ
5 Glendale,CA 1 N [The King] ATARIUSER
6 North york,ON 1 L DARLAH
7 Colorado sprin,CO 1 N [john] GENIELAMP
8 Fairfax,CA 1 N [Lexicor] L.SEILER
9 Pacific palisa,CA 1 N [Code Dog GT] C.F.JOHNSON
10 Disneyland,CA 1 N [Cary] CGEE
11 Rockford,IL 1 N DOUG.W
12 Mobile,AL 1 N [Larry] L.MCDANIEL
13 Inglewood,CA 1 N [Ringo.] R.MONFORT1
14 Waukegan,IL 1 N [Mike @ LCACE] M.BROWN56
15 Tucson,AZ 1 N [Dave] D.HAEFNER
16 Urbana,IL 1 N [Baaad Dot] D.A.BRUMLEVE
18 I feel sorta,IL 1 N CRAIG.S.THOM
19 Middlesex,NJ 1 N [John Nagy] Z-NET
20 Sylvania,OH 1 N P.THOMAS6
21 Mountain view,CA 1 N [Fred] FB
22 Hamilton,ON 1 N [That Rob Guy] R.QUANCE
23 New hyde pk,NY 1 N R.SCHNEEBERG
24 Naugatuck,CT 2 M R.ROSADO
(Job 25)** <DOUBLE-CLICK> is here.
(Job 6)<DARLAH> everyone ready for our formal?
***Room is now in listen-only mode.
(Job 6)<DARLAH>:
From The Program of the Week to the only Atari realtime compression
program, Data Diet, Double Click Software has been providing the Atari
community with the products they demand. Please welcome Mike Vederman of
Double Click Software tonight and help them celebrate the beginning of
their sixth year of supporting the Atari userbase.
Double Click Software will be giving away at least one copy of Data Diet
tonight, to some lucky person during this conference! Stick around, as
you might be that lucky winner.
If you would like to ask a question, type /RAI with the slash intact. This
will "raise your hand" and let me know that you are interested in talking.
You will have the opportunity to speak in the order I receive your
request to do so. I will advise you when you are next by a private send.
Mike, would you like to tell us about what you have in store for us in the
near future? Any surprises, exciting news to share with us?
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Thank you. Sorry for the delay, but when we logged on
at 9 pm, there was a note from our node saying it was gonna be down for 1/2
hour, and it was... :-(
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Well, as y'all know, 1991 was a busy year for us with
the Program of the Week.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> We have a lot of software goodies in the works right now
(including a fabulous update to our DC Xtract Plus program).
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Our first newsletter highlighted a few of the projects
we are currently working on to keep us off the streets.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> The next one to be released will be the Game Workbench,
for all you aspiring game programmers.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> We announced the CPXtensiosn, but have had to place this
on the back burner until the first quarter of 1992 due to other project
deadlines (I wish we could clone everyone here :-).
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Our DC noveTalk is being completely redesigned to work
with the DMA port instead of the cartridge port. This product was shown
working at the Duesseldorf show,and we have it scheduled for production in 3rd
quarter 1992.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Besides that, we've been batting around a prototype
design for a cartridge which provides localtalk to all ST (note ST) computers,
in fact, we've had it in design now for 2 years <grin>, but the recent advent
of universal network has made
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> this project come up on the queue. Beyond that, we have
a few other goodies, but we don't have enough man-power to complete them as
quickly as we'd like to. Anyone know how to clone someone (from a nose? <ever
see sleeper?> :-) ga.
(Job 23)<R.SCHNEEBERG> Could you tell us a little about Data Diet
(Job 23)<R.SCHNEEBERG> ga
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Data Diet is the first real-time data compression
program for the ST line.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> It does _both_ compression and decompression!
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> You can easily save megabytes of storage space
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> ga
(Job 23)<R.SCHNEEBERG> Release date?
(Job 23)<R.SCHNEEBERG> Compatability?
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Release date was at WAACE- October 12, 1991. Available
at your local dealer or mail order even as we type.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> ga
(Job 6)<DARLAH> Thank you, E.WELLS4, your up :-)
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Compatibility was one of the main reasons Data Diet was
delayed for two months.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> We put it as number one on the priority list and
to-date, we have less than 6 programs we know of that cause trouble (if you
don't count the midi programs that _everyone_ has problems with :-).
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> ga
(Job 6)<DARLAH> Lyre is up
(Job 24)<[Lyre] R.ROSADO> Greetings DOUBLE-CLICK, first, thanks for some great
products. But, back to topic, will Data Diet save your information in a format
that is compatible with any of the currently existing compression techniques /
(Job 24)<[Lyre] R.ROSADO> ga
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> Data Diet has a compression speed which can top 100
kilobytes per second (not including disk access time) and decompression that is
3x - 5x faster. To get an idea on how fast that is, lzh averages about
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> In order to get that high a speed, we had to use our own
proprietary comression format, which (due to its proprietary nature) is not
compatible with any existing compression technique, altho, we are talking about
using it with another
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> product of ours for decompression... <hum dee dum> :-)
(Job 24)<[Lyre] R.ROSADO> Ok, now you said that Data Diet was 'a real-time'
compression/decompression program...
(Job 24)<[Lyre] R.ROSADO> UI assume that this means that it will have to be
loaded into the St at the time of boot up, correct?
(Job 24)<[Lyre] R.ROSADO> ga
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> You are correct, sir! :-) Data Diet has an AUTO folder
program which is the actual workhorse handler (only 10K!!). Then we have the
Data Diet accessory which allows you to examine files in use by a program and
configure DD on-the-fly.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> We also have Data Diet Tools which allows you to singly
or by batch, dietize or normalize files. You can also use it to get single
file info, or count 'calories' on your system, which will give you all sorts of
useful statistics.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> BTW - Thanks to Ken Hilts for the actual name of Data
Diet, as it opened to door to all sorts of catchy phrases, with possibly more
corny program names to come. <grin> ga
(Job 6)<DARLAH> Thanks Lyre, John King Tarpinian, you're up
(Job 5)<[The King] ATARIUSER> I was wondering if Data Diet takes advantage of
FastRAM on the TT?
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> JKT - Good question! :-) Survey says... <ding ding>
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> If you set the fast ram program bit in the header of the
handler, yes it will use fast ram for its work.
(Job 25)<DOUBLE-CLICK> ga
(Job 5)<[The King] ATARIUSER> That was the right answer. :~} Tha